
Firmware Update Guide

INSPIRE 1 remote controller firmware below v1.3.00. PHANTOM 3 remote controller firmware below v1.3.20. Ensure your Micro SD card has at least 100 MB of free ...

Firmware V01.08.01.00 required

2020年7月28日 — I'm in the process of rolling back my I1V2 firmware to V01.08.01.00. The I1V2 is used with both the the X3 and X5 cameras.

Inspire 1

A Must-Have App for DJI Users. Get official products at launch, tracking your package whenever you want. Try Virtual Flight here, practicing before flying.

Looking for a copy of Inspire 1 Firmware1.3.0.00

2020年12月3日 — I just bought an Inspire 1 with 2 GL658A controllers. One ... Just found a copy of the firmware update, located at How do i update from version ...

Support for Inspire 1 V1.0

9. How can I update the firmware for the charging hub? 1. Download the latest Charging Hub Upgrader from the official DJI website. Launch the program on your ...

Update DJI Inspire 1 Firmware

2021年2月12日 — How do I update the Firmware on my Inspire 1? · Download the very latest firmware from the Inspire 1 Downloads page on the DJI website.


2015年8月4日 — dji Inspire 1固件版本已更新至v1.3.0 ,可登錄http://www.dji.com/cn/product/inspire-1/download 下載並更新固件。 概述: 1.


INSPIRE1remotecontrollerfirmwarebelowv1.3.00.PHANTOM3remotecontrollerfirmwarebelowv1.3.20.EnsureyourMicroSDcardhasatleast100MBoffree ...,2020年7月28日—I'mintheprocessofrollingbackmyI1V2firmwaretoV01.08.01.00.TheI1V2isusedwithboththetheX3andX5cameras.,AMust-HaveAppforDJIUsers.Getofficialproductsatlaunch,trackingyourpackagewheneveryouwant.TryVirtualFlighthere,practicingbeforeflying.,2020年12月3...